Dennis Reimer, ESQ.



  • Foreclosure
  • Loss Mitigation
  • Evictions
  • REO and Title.
Dennis Reimer

Mr. Reimer started practicing law in 1968, after receiving his Juris Doctor degree from Ohio Northern University. His practice is concentrated in the area of real estate law, mortgage foreclosure and civil litigation, and he has been recognized locally and nationally for his representation of clients in those areas. He has received considerable recognition for his expertise and service that he has provided to the mortgage banking industry.

Mr. Reimer received his undergraduate degree from Ohio Northern University, Magna Cum Laude, in 1965. He was admitted to the Ohio Bar in 1968, the United States District Court in 1969, and to the United States Supreme Court in 1974.

Mr. Reimer is Senior Shareholder of the firm that he started in 1973. He is a member of the Ohio State Bar Association, the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association, the American Trial Lawyers, and the Mortgage Bankers of America. The firm is a member of the USFN, ALFN and the Mortgage Bankers Association. Mr. Reimer is past president of the Mortgage Servicing Society of Northeastern Ohio.

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Office Locations

Ohio Office
PO Box 39696
Solon, OH 44139-0696